Management Systems International (USA)

Management Systems International (USA)

Рекомендательное письмо

Management System International, Inc. (MSI) used the consulting and audit service of the LTD RTF Group (RTF) for 3 years. RTF conducted annual financial audit and close-out audit of the long term multi-million grant project administrated by MSI. During this long-term relationship with MSI, RTF-Audit has proved knowledge and experience in conducting financial audits according to USAID and U.S. Government standarts. Moreover, members of RTF team provided MSI with consultations on financial regulations of Russian Federation and made suggestions jn meeting U.S. Government and Russian Federation legal requirements. RTF staff members showed great level of professionalism by being responsive to needs and requests of MSI and meeting contractual deadlines.

With a great confidence, MSI recommends RTF as highly professional and reliable service provider in conducting financial audits and providing consultations.

О компании

Management Systems International:

  • USA-based, global international development firm;
  • More than 700 staff worldwide;
  • Over 100 projects worldwide, including 24 long-term field projects;
  • 80% of technical work performed by group of 100 in-house development professionals;
  • Part of Coffey International Development (

Founded in 1981, MSI is a global international development firm providing specialized short- and long-term technical assistance. Since its founding, the firm has grown in size and scope, with over 100 projects under management worldwide. It has significantly expanded its technical expertise to include implementation of a range of analytical and field projects in democracy and governance, economic growth, organizational capacity building, education, and natural resource management. While its work now spans several sectors, MSI remains focused on helping its clients manage change and improve the effectiveness of development assistance.

MSI’s clients include USAID, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the World Bank, UNDP, the MacArthur Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Labor. Contacts: 600 Water St, SW Washington, DC 20024 USA


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- Контроль (надзор) за деятельностью (качеством работы)

- Аудиторы, работающие по трудовому договору

- Аудируемые лица и выручка от оказанных услуг


123557, Россия, г. Москва, Электрический пер., д. 3/10, стр. 1, помещ. 1/1

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